Kim’s Morning Movement Classes

15 Minutes 

With the help of your Visual System, gain stronger balance and increased joint mobility.

Sometimes a small change in perspective can change our lives.
We love conveniences. But some of those conveniences are taking away
movement necessary to keep our bodies healthy, strong, flexible and balancing well. 

More classes coming soon.

Kim’s morning movement classes

Get Up and Down from the Floor

If you don’t do anything else today, get down on the floor and back up again. 

What you do now may save your life. If you fall can you get yourself up or over to your phone? Do you have the strength? Don’t lose that strength. Just keep doing the movement and you’ll keep those ‘up and down from the floor’ muscles.

get up & down from the floor

Put Your Best Feet Forward

Your feet are your foundation. Are they strong and flexible? Can you lift up just one big toe? When you stand, do you rest more on the balls of your feet? Be kind to your feet. Pay them some attention with care and love. 

Foot workshop coming up late spring, 2022

put your best feet forward



Photo credit – Top and bottom photo – cards by C. Marvin